Our Team
Daniel Feijoo
Paula Garrido
Javier Abad Hernández
Juan Carlos Benito
Alejandro Merino
Álvaro García
Marcos V. Conde
Daniel Feijoo
Graduated in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela and with a Master’s degree in Optics and Photonics from the same university. My field of study focuses on camera optics and how to qualitatively and quantitatively improve their results through artificial vision algorithms. I am currently developing algorithms that use deep learning techniques to improve image quality.
Paula Garrido
Graduated in Statistics from the University of Valladolid and future AI Master’s degree student in UNIR. I am currently working on deep learning models dedicated to classify images according to the weather or time of the day in which they were taken.
Javier Abad Hernández
Graduated in computer engineering from the University of Valladolid and future AI Master’s degree student in UNIR. I am currently working on deep learning models dedicated to apply the inpainting technique to remove or replace objects in different autonomous driving scenarios.
Juan Carlos Benito
Graduated in Physics from the University of Valladolid and with a Master’s degree in Mathematics. I’m currently working on Image Restoration tasks, specially Low-Light Image Enhancement.
Alejandro Merino
Graduated in Mathematics and Physics from the University of Valladolid and with a Master’s degree in Lecturing. I’m currently working on Image Restoration tasks.
Alvaro García
IT Engineer, Executive Master Industry 4.0, Industrial Cybersecurity Professional Master, and R&D Project Manager. Ph. D. in Computer Science (Industry 4.0 enabling technologies). Team Manager.